Bedfordshire LOC

Luton PCT Childrens/Orthoptic Referral Guidelines

Eye Clinic – Children’s Services
Liverpool Road Health Centre
9 Mersey Place
Liverpool Road

Tel: 01582 708155/54/53
Fax: 01582 708276


Dear Optometrists,

The Community Eye Clinic consists of Orthoptists,  Specialist Optometrists and a Consultant Paediatric Ophthalmologist. 

Referral Guidelines into the Community Eye Clinic 

-Ensure all information is accurate and up to date

-Referrals will only be accepted for amblyopia if vision is 6/9.5-2 or worse. We do not undertake active amblyopia management in children with vision better than this.

We would recommend that children under the age of 7 should have a cycloplegic refraction. 

Please prescribe any significant refractive error found 

If reduced vision is caused by refractive error alone please review the child after a period of refractive adaptation (3 to 4 months). Referral in these cases is only required if the vision still remains reduced after refractive adaptation.

If there is a coexisting binocular vision anomaly such as a squint please prescribe spectacles. You can then choose to refer or monitor the effect of the spectacles and refer onwards if required.  

We are happy to discuss patient management and referrals including the following:

Queries regarding refractive correction

Discussions around referrals

Further information regarding a child who has previously been under the care of Liverpool Road Health Centre.


Email your clinical queries to: or

Email your administrative queries to:

Working times include: Monday-Friday 8.30-4.30 (Maulia) and Wednesday 8.30-4.30 (Miriam)

Phoneline: 01582 708155


Maulia Selvarajah

Specialist Optometrist



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